Weekly diary post

I am so happy that last week is officially over and we are now on to a new fresh start with a lovely new week. At work I have been dealing with a whole heap of driving, lots of stress and very little sleeping. I have also had a week of ‘The Man About The House’ also stressing about some work related issues which has led to our home life not being as relaxing or ambient as I would like. Not conductive to good reading or writing and it has also been difficult to just find the time to sit. However I’m hopefully (read that as eternally optimistic) that this coming week will be a bit more orderly and peaceful and allow some more time to sit and read – bliss!

On a lighter note I have managed to keep to some kind of exercise regime – go me! I have been on a bit of an exercise kick which resulted in a running streak of 100 days, I have now reduced my running to 3-4 days but attempting to go further during each run. I am also trying to go more to the gym. What I found last week was that by doing even just only 15 minutes I felt so much better and a little bit more able to cope with everything being thrown at me at work and at home. So clearly I need to keep up this regime in the next week.

What I’m reading next week:

Audiobook: 26.2 Miles to Happiness by Paul Tonkinson

I do love a running book and I love listening to the podcast Running Commentary by Paul Tonkinson and Rob Deering so I’m super excited to listen to this on my runs.

Wakenhyrst by Michelle Paver

I started reading this last week but made little headway, hopefully I’ll get further this week!

Audiobook: The Testaments by Margaret Atwood

My library book has finally arrived!

My Writing:

I’m feeling very pleased that I have managed to find five minutes each day to write a daily prompt. While these have not been groundbreaking or looking back on them particularly interesting the fact that I have managed to get anything onto paper feels a massive achievement. At the moment my plans are to just keep this up and therefore establish a foundation which I can later build upon.

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