Book Review: Meant to be by Lisa Faulkner

The biography of  actress and celebrity masterchef winner of 2010 Lisa Faulkner and her personal journey to conceive a baby. We follow Lisa’s attempts to fall pregnant using more increasingly invasive treatments using IVF. Sadly Lisa and her then husband were unsuccessful which led to them eventually considering alternative options such as surrogacy and finally adoption. They made decision to attend an adoption open day and began their new journey of adoption and thus began all the training, preparations and assessments which goes alongside this journey.

Lisa and her husband decided to adopt through concurrency or foster for adoption which allows the adopter to care for their potential new child from a very early age and thus limit any further placement moves. Lisa discusses within the book the ‘fierceness’ of her love for her child and considers whether this is even more fierce due to her not being Lisa’s birth child.

I thought this was an honest and reflective journey of infertility and adoption which highlighted the severe lows but also the hope and love which emerged during the process. Overall I found this to be a fascinating book which I would strongly advocate is read by anyone interested in adoption or who may have also gone through a similar heartbreaking journey of infertility.

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